#AtoZChallenge2014, A-Z Challenge, Challenges, Gadgets

{L}unch Box: #AtoZChallenge 2016

One habit that I’ve picked up since doing this cooking thing is, packing (and carrying) a lunch to work.  Lunch is usually the leftovers from the dinner of the night before.  I used to think nothing of dropping nearly ten dollars a day for lunch – and sometimes a little more if my work hours crept into the dinner hour!  I don’t even want to begin to do the math on how much money I’ve wasted on other people’s food  *gasp!*



Dare I say that this business of packing lunch has awakened a new obsession (?).  The lunchbox.  Here’s a peak at a few of the ones in my ‘lunchbox rotation’:


This one is made of  candy wrappers.  I fell for the shine, the texture from the basket weave and the bright colors.


This one had me at the graphics.  It has that ‘Where’s Waldo’ kinda look. Never a dull moment.


I carry this one when my lunch isn’t so big.  This was a definite ‘must-have’.  Oh the memories of a simpler time!  Who can pass up Dr Seuss?


This one is pure nostalgia.  It’s the size of the ones I  carried as a little girl.  It doesn’t hold alot ….they seemed soooo big back then.

Besides,  it’s Audrey!

So there’s a sneak peek into my new obsession.

What are you  obsessing about these days?

Do tell. ….

Next. The Letter {M}



2 thoughts on “{L}unch Box: #AtoZChallenge 2016

  1. What fabulous lunchboxes. The candy wrapper one might be my favorite although it’s a close call. I work from home so technically I don’t need to use a lunchbox, but I’m telling you you’ve totally inspired me. I’m certain my lunches would taste infinitely more delightful if I was unpacking them from a stylish carrier.

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