Food, Nutrition, Video

I Can Eat this Right off of the Canvas…

I haven’t been able to jump on the ‘Nutrella’ bandwagon… can’t get past the hazelnut flavor…
But this demonstration of a drawing of a jar of this very popular bread spread is realistic enough to eat from the canvas!
See for yourself….

What do You think?
Do Tell…..

Fitness, Friendships, Inspiration

We Party’ed In Pink!!!

Good Morning Luv-lies,

Woke up this morning a little slower than usual.  Instead of the usual::

rolling over, firmly planting my feet on the floor and springing up sort of reminiscent of my twenty-something self,

 THIS morning’s roll over, feet planting,  ‘springing up’ was replaced by my actual fifty-something self::

stiffness that just falls shy of “I’m just going to lay here like a beached whale”!

wakeup gif

For a moment,

I couldn’t figure out for the life of me,

why I was feeling like ‘The Tinman’ – rusty & ‘crickety’!

tinman gif

I managed to rise ‘n shine.


While  practically inhaling my cup of ‘jo,  it came to me the reason that I was sooooooo very, very STIFF!

…. The GREAT  time that I had at yesterday’s Zumbathon fundraiser for Breast Cancer – PARTY IN PINK!!!

*sigh of relief….. I’m not getting old*

party in pink bracelet

 I have to tell you, Luv-lies, it was well worth all of this stiffness and more!

I woke up early to may sure that I had breakfast … boiled egg whites (with a few yolks…. a girl needs some ‘good’ cholesterol), sliced Pink Apples sautéed in EVOO and seasoned with cinnamon, nutmeg with Raspberry & Chocolate vinegar *yum yum*.  And a mug of jo’


(usually I don’t eat before a class, but this was scheduled for two high energy, nonstop dancing).

Weapons of Mass Destruction:

Party in Pink Gear

I arrived early in hopes of meeting up with some of  my  Zumba friends and was glad that they let us in early.  Gave us time to take pics and stake our territory 🙂





A Big Shout Out! to Maribeth for organizing this Great Event!


… and after the introduction of all of our fierceless instructors (the children were backup dancers :-))


we were ready to Zumba !!!!


 we like to jam with minimal lights…. nightclub-like


The Instructors kept me sweating for two nonstop hours…. and I loved every second !!!


After the last routine, Maribeth was joined on stage by the instructors as they gave all of us a round of applause for making this a successful event.  That was very special!


Many more pictures were taken before we left to ice our happy muscles and feed our growling stomaches


Needless to say that a good time was held by all !!!!!


This is the second Zumbathon that I’ve participated in this summer.  The first one was for a personal achievement.  This one is even more significant because this two hour Party in Pink raised a over $2500.00 that will be donated to the fight for the cure for Breast Cancer.

Thank You for going down memory lane with me….

What did you do this weekend?

Do Tell…..

Fitness, Goals, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration, Mindful Eating, Nutrition, Workout

Party In Pink Zumbathon… For Breast Cancer… Starts in 2 Hours!!!

It’s October and that means loads of Pink and lots of opportunities to raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer!
I’m excited this morning!

I’ve been awake for the last two hours reading myself for
#PartyInPink Zumbathon.

It’s going to be a wonderful workout for a wonderful cause. It’s October and that means loads of Pink and lots of opportunities to raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer!

I’ve started out  with this wonderful breakfast!  First time sautéing the apples in raspberry and chocolate vinegar…. they smell wonderful.  We’ll see how they taste 🙂


I Tweeted this deliciousness before devouring it!!!!

…..  they smell wonderful….. We’ll see how they taste 🙂

Of course you have to have Gear!

I’m on my way!!!

You know that there’s a post to come….

Are you doing something for Breast Cancer Awareness?

Do Tell…..

#AsphaltLuv, C25K Workout, Fitness, Goals, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration, WeekEnd Luv

One Down! … Many More to Go!!!

Helloooo Luv-ies,

Great News this morning!
Yesterday I Finished My First Official 5K Race!!!

I started training a couple of months ago with the intent on running the race earlier than now, but that didn’t work out.  I joined a running team from the fitness center where I work out, and with great hope – much trepidation – started the training program.  The first training day was followed by many more, with the team convening once a week, to review and implement the weekly workouts that we each received via email.

After three weeks, I had to drop out of the team practices, but I continued with the e-mailed training program on my own.  I was determined to successfully run a 5K before the weather turned cold.  Well, Labor Day came and went, and I did not run the race, with my team mates, but I continued to train for a race that would come to mean much more.

As the weeks passed with repeated speed work and strength training workouts, I selected a race that had great significance to me.  I decided on a local race called ‘Hero Palooza’ – A Bike Tour, 5K Run/Walk & Family Festival Crab Feast.  The mission/vision of the organization is to restore hope to Leukemia patients and their families by increasing bone marrow registrants, providing nutritious meals, and supporting blood cancer research.

And so, I registered….


After a good night’s sleep, I arose the morning of the race early. Registration was scheduled to start at 8:30am and I did not want to be late… it’s my first race, after all!

Because my stomach tends to be temperamental, I decided that I would have a glass of orange juice and a bottle of water. I’d see how I felt once I got there….

One last once over and prayer for a successful (and uneventful) run, I was on my way…

As a very young girl, I lost my younger Brother, Kenneth ‘Kenny’ to Leukemia.  This race is my way of honoring him and celebrating his heroic fight to beat this disease.

Once I arrived, I snapped a picture of the welcome sign and sent one – of many – Tweets dedicating this race to my HeroPalooza Brother and celebrating my participation


I was very early arriving but it didn’t seem matter to these ladies. It was so refreshing to be greeted by these smiling faces. They were extremely helpful during the registration process. Being a newbie, I had loads of questions. None of which seemed to be too silly for them. Thank You Ladies … you only get to be a newbie once!


Even though my stomach was not completely settled (it had to be nerves), I grabbed a couple bottles of water and some fruit.  My race, the 5K, was not scheduled to start for another hour and a half, so I thought I’d put something on this nervous stomach


Finally it was time to get warmed up. That meant that in twenty minutes, I would be running my first official 5K race! !Woo Hoo!

The warm up was lead by one of the instructors from the fitness center that I belong.  The energy was electric and the enthusiasm contagious.

One last pose before the start of the race. Thank You to the willing stranger that I snagged to take this pic.

Note to self – take someone with you so that they can be the unofficial photographer of all of my madness

The next time I see this display, it will have the ‘Finish’ banner in place


The run was great! The road was mostly flat. That was a good thing…

the temperature was close to eighty degrees by the time the race started. That made the road hot and the air hotter… not used to that!

Another note to self – train in all types of weather and humidity levels.

I’m a 5K WINNER!!!

Thirty One minutes Later….

I felt elated! I’ve definitely caught the bug!

There will be many more races to come!

Stay tuned for more races!

What goal have you reached this summer?
Do Tell….
