Goals, Keep Callm, My Weight Loss, Strategy, The Weight-ing Game, Weight Watchers ... The Way I See It

My Weight Watchers. My Weigh….. Thank Goodness for ‘Do Overs’

Good Day Luv-lies,

Hope that your weekend was everything that you planned it to be.  Mine.  Relaxing. Music- filled. Memorable.

Then this morning happened.  This is the day of the week that, for the last eighteen months I’ve been doing what I affectionately refer to as – ‘My Weight Watcher’s Thang’.  First the weigh in- mostly welcome – but not lately.  Then  thirty minutes (too short) sharing session of the Weekly Topic – this I always look forward to despite what happens on the scale.

I usually know what the topic for the week is.  Not today.  Not sure why I didn’t, but let’s just say that I’m glad I believe in karma.

Over the last few months – all summer to be more exact- I have not had much success staying on program.  With every new weigh in, I would tell myself  “You’ve got to get back on program.  And today is the day to start…”.   Like I said, that went on for the entire summer!  Resulting in, as of today, a twelve pound weight gain!!!!

This is where karma comes in.

As I stepped off of the scale and took a seat at the nearest available green chair (again telling myself that  ‘[I] have to get back on program!  Enough fooling around with this!…’),  I glanced at this week’s Weight Watchers Weekly.   This week’s topic –

A Simple (Re)Start


 The byline reads  “How going back to the basics… can fuel success

How did they know that I need this!  And right now!  How did they know!!!  Just yesterday, I vowed that no matter what the number was on the scale today, I was recommitting to making this lifestyle change work.  And today was the Re-starting day for me.  Yesterday I vowed that starting today, I was going back to all of the basic strategies that had made this journey so successful (until this summer).   Because I know the ‘how-to’ of successful weight loss/management,  I was not concerned about the ‘why’ of falling off the wagon.  Today is the day that I would take back control!!

 Today’s weekly topic was right on time!!!


These are a few of my  take-aways to  ‘A Simple (Re)Start’:

~~  First and foremost, forgive yourself for the lapse.  

‘Nuf said….

      ~~  Remind yourself of the reason that you started the program –

‘… healthier lifestyle, to be around to for the grandkids, upcoming social gathering….’

~~   Take action! 

 start tracking… again.  Make a meal that indicates that you are back on program.  Plan! Plan! Plan!

~~  Re-commit to those elements of the Plan that work for you 

E-tools, Recipe Builders, Simple Start Plan, Reading the ‘Success Stories’

~~  Move Your Body!!!

break out your ActiveLink activity monitor, lace up your shoes, throw on your workouts and move your body

…. One more thing….


Thank Goodness for Do Overs!!!

 I participated much more in today’s meeting than I have over the last several months.  I believe that the reason (as I shared in the meeting) is that  “… restarting allows you to forgive yourself and to move on…”

And with that, I’m out of here!  I’m going running!

I do luv a good do over!  Don’t you?

Do Tell….
