Farmer's Market, Food, Mindful Eating

Garlic Scapes and other Farmer’s Market Goodies

Garlic Scapes and Farmer's Market GoodiesThe area Farmer’s Market is slowly growing. I was more successful than last week with my marketing efforts :-). The sites and smells are ‘to die for’ and with so many fresh produce items to chose from, dinner should be easy and nutritious.

Thank goodness that I did not bring more than $40 – I wanted to buy some of everything! Here are just a few things that I did put in my bag….

** Organically grown lettuce
** More of that oh-so delish homemade Chai Tea
** Garlic Scapes {never heard of them, but, according to the vendor, you use them
just like you would use a green onion…okay.}
** Fresh homemade chicken salad {all of the ingredients brings that to 6PPV –
that’s with the fresh homemade roll. YUMM}
** Organically grown strawberries, turnips, kale greens and rutabaga
** Spice-infused couscous and black bean soup

Not bad for a 30 minute walk through the market….

What’s on your plate tonight?
Do share


It’s National Hot Fudge Sun-Dae !!!

National Hot Fudge Sun-Dae!

National Hot Fudge Sun-Dae!

Good Sunday Morning Luv-lies,

In just a few short hours, I have managed to burn off tons (well, not really tons. but it feels like it 🙂 of calories at Zumba this morning. We had a substitute instructor this morning that was A-Maaazing! Lots of ‘glistening’ going on during and after the class.

Also, while strolling through one of my favorite food blogs, I was thrilled to find out that today is NATIONAL Hot FUDGE SUN-DAE! *YAY!!!!*

….. and…. a hot fudge ice cream sundae will cost you ONLY 8 PPV …. *clapping feverishly*

I’m off to the Farmer’s Market. I can’t wait to share my fabulous finds… 🙂

What’s in your plans this splendid ‘Sundae’?
Do share….


How About this Crazy Weather …. and …. Today I Found Out 10 {Interesting} Food Facts

Good Morning Luv-lies,

questions please
I hope that you have had many successes this week 🙂

It’s been a trying week (and that’s an understatement) for everyone across the states, as far as the weather goes. Blazing heat on one coast, that has resulted in seemingly uncontrollable spontaneous fires. The tornadoes seem to never stop, especially for our friends in the mid-west and (surprising for some) along the northeastern seaboard. All this unsettledness and uncertainty can easily lead to (well understood) anxiety, discomfort and unrest – to name a few.

In light of all of these “what in the world is happening?” weather occurrences, I hope that all of you have been able to maintain some sense of normality in your life (in general) and in your weight-loss efforts (specifically).

…… now onto something lighter….

Today I Found Out…. 10 Food Facts

#10 Unless food is mixed with saliva, you can’t taste it
# 9 Keep fresh fruits and veggies, like asparagus, refrigerated at 40 degrees
# 8 The seed inside of a peach contains an almond-like nut which holds a potent
anti-cancer medium call Laetrile. However, claiming that laetrile was
effective and toxic, the U.S. medical community successfully persuaded the
FDA to ban it in 1971
# 7 Rosemary Oils can be used as a natural meat preservative
# 6 Pear is a fruit that ripens from the inside out
# 5 Cayenne pepper increases the metabolism
# 4 Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries
# 3 You would have to walk 9, yes 9, miles to burn off the calories of a Double
Whopper w/ Cheese….. *YOWZA!!!!*
# 2
Actually a fruit, it took a ruling by the Supreme Court in 1893 to make the
the tomato a vegetable

….. and….. *drumroll please*……

# 1 Fast Food restaurants use: yellow, red and orange because
those colours stimulate hunger ….

…. a little something for the weekend….

Add your {Interesting} Food Facts….


Farmer's Market, Food, Mindful Eating

I Missed Most of the Goodness by Ten Minutes!!!

chai tea

Hello, again, Luv-lies

You will not believe this!

…. my new found weekend treasure, the  neighborhood Farmer’s Market    {here to stay… at least for the summer and early fall} opens at ten. With ten minutes to wait before the {proverbial} doors opened, I ran home – for what was suppose to be ‘a few minutes’.

Those ‘few minutes’ turned into two hours! … and, unbeknownst to me, the market went on, despite me….

By the time that I arrived – just two hours after opening!- every vendor had sold out of everything…. except one vendor. The only remnant that she had left to prove that she was there, was this flavorfully delightful…

Fruit-infused Chai Tea. Now, I don’t know what this woman does with a chai tea bag, but it is, by all accounts, decadent! I wish that I could share the taste with you…. beyond the ‘mmmmmmmmm’.

So, I have already vowed that next Sunday, I will be – in line, if necessary- waiting to feast my eyes on goodness of the local growers.

And, of course, I’ll share….

How has your weekend been?
Do tell……

Mindful Eating

I’m Never Going to the Supermarket, Again!

farmers market…. at least NOT FOR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGGIES!!!

Good Morning Luv-lies,

I hope that this weekend has been kind to you. Once the work week is over, I so look forward to my weekend. Away from the hustle and bustle of the demands of work, my weekend is all about ‘the relaxation’ factor.

One of the ‘happinesses’ {I had to add that to my spellcheck dictionary…..according to spellcheck, that is not a word…lol} of my weekend is finding new ‘finds’. With the weekend crawling slowly to a close, my new ‘find’ came early this morning. Like every Sunday morning, I jumped into the car and zoomed off to my weekly WW meeting & weigh-in. Almost immediately after pulling out of my quiet development of well-manicured lawns and car-less driveways, I was visually smacked with a new sign {that I had somehow missed before…. I think… :-/ } boldly announcing the opening of the neighbor seasonal FARMER’S MARKET….YEAH!!!!!!

I LUV! LUV! LUV! everything about a Farmer’s Market! The neighborliness of, both, the vendors and the attendees. The openness of the venue. The visual and olfactory pleasures that willingly lure me into buying the hard-grown wares of local farmers.

I’m on my way there, right after the meeting.

…. and you know that I’ll share….

Why do you look forward to the weekends?
Do share……


INsPIrAtioN Saturday

inspiration saturday: dreamHappy Saturday Luv-lies,
Remember the days when you knew that, if you dreamed it; there was no doubt that you could make it happen?
With all of the challenges that comes with youth – adventure, belief, hope, self-confidence, self-assurance, a healthy dose of fear and believing all that you dreamed of – were not insurmountable obstacles. …..remember those days?
How about if we make a pact to believe in all that we can dream of…. no matter how seemingly ridiculous. Sometimes the inspiration and creativity that happens when we dream is far more energizing than make the dream come to fruition. Let’s agree to enjoy the energy produced on the way!
Hey Luv-lies, are you in?
Do Share……
….and have a GREAT Saturday!

