
Just Call Me a Flying Karamazov


Hello Luv-lies,

As you well know, the road to a healthy, successful weight loss (and maintenance) is not one void of roadblocks, detours, red lights & right of ways.

For me, one of the many challenges HAS NOT been meeting the activity piece of the program. I have Jazzercised, competed in Spinning class fundraisers, participated in a multitude of aquatic workouts and presently have found great pleasure in Pole Fitness. So, when invited by a friend to try-out an Aerial Fitness class, I thought “why not. This sounds fun and fascinating!

So dressed in my usual yoga-style attire, I awoke early  Saturday morning to meet her for my first seventy-minute aerial workout. I dare not have my usual breakfast and coffee prior to this challenge (WARNING-UNABASHED VERBAL VISUAL::goodness forbid that my breakfast make a spontaneous and impromptu appearance on the floor of the studio. (I would have been horrified!). Our drive to the studio consisted of a nonstop prep (and pep) talk about what I could expect once reached our destination…. that the class would take us through standing and seated poses, inversions and balancing postures – all using an aerial hammock suspended from the ceiling (by two hooks!). More eager than ever, we finally reached our destination. And the fun began!
Fast forward two hours later…. back in the car (and now on our way to lunch…yes! I survived and was famished and ready to eat) with great enthusiasm, I shared with my friend – who was excited to hear about my new experience. Initially I didn’t really ‘know’ what to expect, but I was elated with the lightness that came with soaring through the air in an almost defying gravity manner! I had not anticipated, but now welcomed, the ‘clearness’ of mind that the resulted from the many inversions and poses. So refreshing and liberating!
The workouts help with flexiblity and agililty and builds core and upper body strength. The are many mind and body benefits that result from this type of workout and for those reasons I will be soaring through the air again


… a flying Karamazov.

The Karamozov Brothers

Besides….It’s a great way to blow off steam and release stress! 🙂


What new work-out have your activity list?


Do Tell….

Food, Goals, Inspiration, My Weight Loss, The Weight-ing Game, WeekEnd Luv, Weight Watchers ... The Way I See It

Hey!! Take Your Foot off of My Scale


Hello Luv-lies,

I awoke this morning  in a relatively good mood – the weather is great, looking forward to a great workout (although a couple of hours away, still looking forward to moving this body to the rhythmic sounds of a Zumba class!), planning a great meal (new recipe for a spinach salad. …I’ll post the recipe soon :-)), – just relaxing and catching up on the leisure things (read… the stuff that keeps me sane) in my world.

But first, my Sunday begins, as it has in the last six months with an early morning weigh-in.  Over these four months, I have eagerly looked forward to stepping up on that scale – after disrobing to the bare legal minimum of clothing (come on…you know what I’m talking about, right?). Now I know that I was a “little bad” this week, but I was not prepared for the 2.4 pound weight GAIN!

There I stand in utter disbelieve….whhhhaat!! 2.4 pounds! WTW! {What The What!}. Well…. it took me a minute to step down off of that ‘awful’ scale – how dare it say that I’ve gained!. But once I re-donned my shedded clothing (perhaps I should have kept them on… then I would have something to, immediately, blame it on 😛 ), I took my place in the ‘green seats’ to receive the leader’s message on the topic of the week – Be a Tracking Pro. While sitting there, my mind couldn’t help frequently drifting back to the dreaded 2.4 pound gain and thinking how does the weekly topic pertain to my earth shattering bad news!

Somewhere during my self-indulgent drift back to my ‘bad news’ I begin to hear the message in the weekly topic. And as I tuned in and listened more to the Leader and my fellow ‘Green Seat Luv-lies’, I realized that one of the major tools that had brought me so much success in the beginning –TRACKING- I had neglected to implement (not just this past week, but for several weeks! … There I’ve said it! … Woosah…..).

After the meeting, I quickly made inventory of all of the (unwritten) food infractions that impacted this week’s gain….and they were many

Revisiting last week’s food intake made it very clear to me that I:

(1) must become a Tracking Pro, again,

(2) must move forward and not be bogged done in the gain and beat up on myself, but, learn from this experience, and

(3) celebrate what I DID RIGHT this past week

Clint Eastwood... You did it right =)Two of which are ::

Eight workouts – at the fitness center that I am a member – in 7 days.   I’ve started morning workouts – via My Wii- before going into work. In the past week, I’ve gotten three mornings in!

And, I live with my ActiveLink on my side.   According to it, I have met my daily activity needs 96% of the time this week  {YEY ME!!!},  Even though my ‘back’-tracking and the scale has served to snatch me back to the reality that the program tools do/can work, my ActiveLink has patted me on the back for a stellar physically active week!

I am eagerly looking forward to a better week!

What have been your program challenges?

I Luv to hear your thoughts…. Do Share

Girl on Fire!, Goals, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration, My Weight Loss, The Weight-ing Game, Weight Watchers ... The Way I See It

Weight Watchers … The Weigh I See It


A little over four months ago, after spending many, many years fighting the physical and (more difficult) mental   ‘Battle of the Bulge’.   I had decided that ‘enough was enough’!  No more starting with renewed hope that seemed to come to the same defeated end.   The craziest thing of it all is that, as a child and up to my college years, there were a couple of things that I just didn’t know about this whole weight thing.  You see, during those years a was a itty-bitty  little thing.  Not doing anything deliberate to maintain a weight that often times didn’t top 110 pounds, my days were filled mostly with family, fun and academics  *with a smattering of minimal wage jobs*.

Not once did I realize (or know) that mankind had long before, declared  a relentless war on fat.  Or at least on being fat.  *It’s funny how being socialized exposes you to the hypocrisies of being ‘civilized’ … but this ain’t that type of blog …yawn *

War of Fat

  Then came the assault of the college experience (I mean that, mostly lovingly. *smile*) and the  beauty, enchantment and hope that comes with having a child.  Fast forward twenty- something plus – more years than I’d like to disclose.  That brings me just about to …. now!

Well, actually to that day when I literally said, “… enough is enough”!  I awoke that morning completely unaware that by the days end I would have a renewed weight loss goal.  And although year after year, I was one of those millions of people who was  “… going to finally lose this weight!  Once and for All!” , there was something different about this time.  *right.  we’ve all said heard that before. right?* .


This time it felt different.  This time I had a quiet resolve that spear-headed me into immediate action!  By the end of the day, I had re-enrolled in a fitness center and completed my online enrollment to the world of Weight Watchers!

I had officially declared war on this excess baggage!  And I was planning a coupe!!!  And so this New Year began.  Not with a resolution.  But with an INSPIRATION!

To date I am down 22 pounds!!  These first four months have been a re-commitment to four to five cardio workouts in the fitness center.  Right now, mostly Zumba * I’m a newby at this*.  My plan in to add some strength classes *did this before.  very early in my high school and through my twenties.  Don’t know why I gave that up!*.    I also have plans to add a little ‘flavor’ in the form of  flexibility classes  *read – Yoga.  Did this before.  Loved it.  Again, can figure out why I ever gave it up!*  You see, unlike most women that I’ve talked to – or overheard- talk about their weight loss challenges, I love going to the gym!  I love working out!  I don’t have to be coerced, blackmailed and/or bribed into getting a good cardio workout in…. it’s the eating piece that I find MOST challenging!

I haven’t been able, so far, to figure out why it is sooooo challenging for me to resist overeating.  I know, I know!  I’d be a millionaire if I could unravel this secret.  Then I wouldn’t have to worry about the weight – I’d just have it cut off! *can you taste the snark?  Pun intended* .  One thing that I do feel is that it takes more than willpower, hope,  and wishing to have success reaching this goal.  Which brings me to my next thought.  One thing that I did have to come to grips with is that this is not a temporary project – a dress size and/or an occasion.

My mindset this time.

In order for me to be truly successful, this goal has to be a lifestyle change.

A journey.

Not a destination.


And with that.  I got off of the weight loss rollercoaster!

So why the Weight Watchers Program?

While I haven’t tried every weight and diet program out there…  You can say that I’m a bit of a skeptic!… Okay.  A BIG skeptic!  Lots of years ago, in my twenties- somethings,  I tried the Weight Watchers’ Program.  Looking back, I must say that I was not fully committed to the program – the only thing that I can blame it on is  the immaturity  that is Youth!  So, I must admit that,  I didn’t reallllllllly work the program.  Back then, I wasn’t into sitting in the meeting – *E-Tools wasn’t around*.  Not to mention the number game – figuring out how many carbs, fibers, fats, proteins!!  *Who the heck had time for that?! Not me!*    Well over the years, I’ve gotten wiser and more particular with what I want from a program that will put my on the road to a healthier lifestyle.  And because I am twenty-something plus, suffice to say that, I have seen my share of weight loss  promises  programs come and go.  And , you pretty much know where I’m going with this ….

The Weight Watchers’ Program has been an ever present force to be reckoned with in the world of the ‘Battle of the Bulge’.  I’ve watched the program change to meet the needs of its members.

hey kid_ I luv those glasses

~   e-tools makes getting  meeting information easier  *although I do advocate getting to a meeting as much as possible.  The human factor is sooooo worth it*.   Heck, It makes getting a whole lot information downright easier.  From point tracking, informative articles, program information to having an entire online community that is always willing to assist you along this journey.  I can’t imagine that it can get any better.  But I know that it will.  Weight Watchers seems to have that ability to realllllllly listen to us!  And the result is a program that  *at least for me….. and a whole lot of others – around the world – practically hands you success!  *on a tasteful platter, I might add*

~   the math is so much simpler.  I love that, depending upon each individuals personal information, you are assigned a Daily Points Plus Target (DPT).

~  the gurus in their scientific division have I’m sure painstakingly assigned every food a  Point Value!  Why is that important.  Why!  No more trying to figure out how many carbs/fibers/proteins/fats!  Just look up the food and…. voile’!  You know the Points Plus Value (PPV)!  Simple!

~  there are several different ways to jump start your program.  You chose how you want to get started.  Don’t, yet, understand how the whole PPV thing works, try ‘The Simple Start’ approach.  Your journey.  Your way!

~  for the member, who, like me doesn’t have to have a fire lit under her; in order to get her workouts in, they’ve created Activity Points and an effective fitness tool,  that helps to remind and encourage you to ‘keep it movin’ ‘

~  you still have your weekly weigh-in’s   *well you need something to keep you accountable.  right?*  And, unlike the days of old, the weigh-ins are much more private .No more of the humiliating standing in line where everyone and there brother can see ‘your number’ …. * I’m channeling the scene in Sex In The City where Miranda’s weight was announced, and loudly, throughout the meeting.  Urrgh!*

These are just a few of the great changes that have been made.  It makes it almost a ‘no-brainer’

I think that at this point your probably thinking  “…. surely she is getting paid to say all of this stuff about the Weight Watchers Program…”!

 And the answer is…..!


empty pockets

So why the shameless plug then?

Because, I truly believe in the basic philosophy of the program :



For me, this journey is about::

~   making wise choices …. most of the time.

~   Being authentic and transparent with myself.

~  Learning to accept my role in living unhealthily these last twenty-something plus years and having the courage to face this journey – head on!

~   Stepping up and being accountable without guilt and/or shame.

~  Knowing that I will be will armed with tSohe tools necessary to overcome the  *many*  setbacks, obstacles and challenges along the road.  And let’s just continue to be honest, here.  They will rear their ugly heads.  Soon enough.  *side-eye*.

~  Finding self-acceptance and self-forgiveness whenever  I falter during this journey.

~  Knowing when to ask for assistance.  And when to give it.

~  Being able to live life to my full potential void of the guilt and burden of feeling that my body is not a true reflection of the spirit that lives within it

For me the program is not a diet.  It’s much more personal than that.  It is a way healthy way of life.  It is not a rigid ‘Do It My Way’ formula.

But a program that allows each member to find, within the framework of the program,  their own successes while on this journey to a healthier lifestyle.

It is a program that, like me, it dynamic.  Always evolving.  Not so that I can be a different Me.  More so that I can be the best Me.

Because of this, I am choosing this space in my blog,  to every week dedicate a post to the celebration of the making of The Best Me.  And because the Weight Watchers program has from the onset of this journey,  been very instrumental in grounding me, I have decided to use it as the backdrop.

This is My Journey.  My Experience.  My Story.


So. This is My Official Disclaimer regarding this:  

be shameless

No I am not a paid employee and/or affiliate of the Weight Watchers Program.  I am in no way, shape or form receiving gifts, and/or compensation (monetary or otherwise) as a result of these posts.  What I will not do is, knowingly, share program information that is otherwise available to those members who have satisfied the monetary obligation necessary for enrollment in the program.

Well.  While we’re at it …. you should know ….

 All content herein is my own. All articles, photos, and graphics are my own unless otherwise sourced.  Please do not copy, re-post, or alter my content in any way without my express permission and a credit/link back to the original work. If you feel that I have not properly credited your articles, photos or graphics, please feel free to contact me and I will gladly rectify the situation as soon as possible.

Okay.  Now That’s done.  *whew*

  Although I do aspire to, one day, become a Weight Watchers Program Leader  *because giving back is the highest form of appreciation.  That’s what I feel.  Don’t you?*, for now, I am a grateful active member who wishes to share her successes with all those who offer an audience.

This is My Weight Watchers.

My Journey. 

My Experience. 

My Story.

Enjoy the journey!

#AsphaltLuv, Fitness, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration, Video

What’s #261 Got to do with the Boston Marathon?


running = quality time

Twenty-four hours from now, I  will be joining loads of fans/viewers that will be watching the coveted Boston Marathon 2013.  From its humble beginnings, the Boston Marathon has become one, of just a few races,  that are the barometer of elite marathon races.  This is a race that welcomes everyone from the first-time marathoner to the most elite runners in the world.

   With so much diversity in the level of runner who enters this much lauded race, it’s hard to imagine that there was a time (during its humble beginnings) that the marathon was a ‘Men’s Only’ race.

Women runners can thank Katherine Switzer for being able to participate in this great race!!

first female boston marathoner

first female boston marathoner

Here’s an inspiring video ::

Hat’s off  to You Katherine Switzer!!!

What’s Your Fitness Plans This Weekend?

Do Tell…..


Goals, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration

Hello Blogosphere …. {now what?}

This blog is a space where I’ve  decided to share the musings of being a  Fabulously

Fifty-ish Babe with P(lenty),  H(ips) A(nd) T(highs) living a fit, healthy life-style while giving this aging thing a run for its money!!!!

As much as I would love to be surrounded by personal trainers, professional chefs and a well-equipped private fitness center, the reality for me –  like most of us –  is that’s just no in the cards.   I  will have more than my share of  challenges, slip ups and let downs that will intrude, overwhelm and otherwise, entice me to forgo my commitment to an all around healthier lifestyle, the plan is to stay on tract – or, in for the times that I fall off of the wagon- get back on track)

 The question, I’ve found,  is not so much how to avoid the assaults.  But, rather, how to make wiser and healthier choices in the face of these daily assaults.  Thank goodness that the good news is that I have choices  (and…. as I’ve always said to – my beautiful daughter – “… You always have choices.  They may not be the one’s that you want, but you always have them….” =)

 So, in my attempt to hold myself accountable for living a more well-rounded,  healthier  lifestyle, I’ve created this blog that I’d like to share with you.

 And, because I’m more than my workout & what I  eat – I’ve added a smattering of things that make up the ‘ whole’ me.

* as far as I see it, that is always a GREAT choice ! *

Stop by often … because I enjoy your company.

Next time bring a friend … because I believe that the more the merrier

And remember to leave a comment …. because it’s like the proverbial apple pie

images (16)

…… low-fat , of course

P.S. :: Oh yes. About the avatar.

As you can see, I’m neither a red-head or a White Woman. But I love this artist’s style. Only, He hasn’t drawn any pictures of a bald-head Black Woman. ❤
