C25K Workout

One Mile Timed Trial…. {a.k.a.} ‘Just hobble me now!’

one mile timed run

Good Morning Luv-lies,

I wanted to share this with you guys on last Saturday


simply forgot….

Very early Saturday morning, (did I say very early?),  I started my first practice module for  my second C25K.    I ran my first 5k about six years ago on a whim.  I knew then, like I know now, that shear ignorance and adrenaline contributed to a successful finish (under 30 minutes).  I ‘practiced’ for this run for all of a week *goofy face*

This time, I’ve chosen to be smarter….

So, after one hour of a combination of nonstop warm up, strength exercises and sprints, the group (I think that I’ve mentioned ‘The Sisters’ before),  we gals were charged with

one last task…

the one timed trial….

This is what I Tweeted and Facebooked {is there such a verb} after all of the torture!


What do you think?

Do Tell….



C25K Workout

Tell Me, again, Why I’m Running this 5K

Hello Luv-lies,

So I started this whole C25K (couch to 5K)

journey a couple of weeks ago.   The workouts are coming


and although I have my days


it takes seems like it takes everything to get through the workout,

I continue to look forward to each practice session.

I do have my moments that I began to ask myself, ‘ self, why?’.  Of course the

obvious answers

come immediately to mind.  But one day while trolling one of  my favorite graphic websites – after plugging in this question –

I found this neat (and useful) infographic  …..

What are your thoughts ?…..


My Weight Loss, The Weight-ing Game

I’m Stuck ! … 4 Down & Dirty Strategies to help get you through that Dreaded Plateau


It’s happened to the best of us.

For weeks you’ve been true to your program – eating clean, getting in your workout, staying hydrated & getting your sleep on.  Every week that you step on the scale, you see the pay-off for all of your hard work.  Then one day, without so much as a warning, the number on the scale stops moving in its customary downward direction!

‘No Problem’ –  you think to yourself, that first time – ‘… at least it’s not a gain…’

But in the weeks to follow, the pounds of fat that once seem to effortlessly fall off are clinging on like a stubborn mule.  You do a personal inventory of reasons that could be contributing to the sabotaging of your success…. again, you come up short with viable reasons for this stall…. arrrghhh!!

You knew that this day would come.  You’ve read about, you’ve even overheard locker room conversations about it.  But when it happens, there is still the questions of ‘why me?’, ‘why now?’, ‘why the hell does this happen?’, and ‘how the hell do I get past this!?’.

According to the folks at the Mayo Clinic – 

A plateau occurs because your metabolism — the process of burning calories for energy — slows as you lose muscle. You burn fewer calories than you did at your heavier weight even doing the same activities. Your weight-loss efforts result in a new equilibrium with your now slower metabolism.

At this new equilibrium, calories eaten equals calories expended. This means that to lose more weight, you need to increase activity or decrease the calories you eat. Using the same approach that worked initially may maintain your weight loss, but it won’t lead to more weight loss”

If you’re at a plateau, you may have lost all of the weight you will, given the number of calories you’re eating each day and the time you spend exercising.   At this point, you need to ask yourself if you’re satisfied with your current weight – in which case you move on to the maintenance phase of your journey  or if you want to lose more – in which case you’ll need to adjust your weight-loss program.

weight-loss-plateau (1)

If you’re committed to losing more weight, before you throw your hands up and throw in the proverbial towel, here are 5 Down & Dirty Strategies to try for getting past the plateau:

#1     Reassess your habits.

Review  your past  food and activity records.  Make sure that you haven’t loosened the rules, letting yourself get by with larger portions or less exercise.  Calorie Creep (a.k.a. – eating more calories than you think)  combined with decreased metabolism (from the weight loss) almost always results in a plateau.

#2     Re-evaluate Your Calorie Intake 

As you lose weight, not only does it become harder to lose, but your metabolism decreases.  – the good news is that your metabolism is supposed to decrease as you lose weight.  Because at your new leaner weight you have less body mass.  Less body mass =  Lower energy requirement to support your smaller frame.  A general rule of thumb, when looking at caloric intake is, for every 10-15 lb you lose (especially if you have a lot of weight to lose), you can reevaluate the amount of calories needed to continue on your weight lost journey.

#3    Rev up your workouts

If you want to maintain the results you have, changing things up in your work out is awesome!  But not if you want to maximize your results in a muscle building, or fat loss program.  Continuity in your exercise program is more important than switching things up.  Continuity allows you to track your improvements in your strength and fitness levels – making adjustments to your workouts.  Think outside the gym. Increase your general physical activity throughout the day by walking more and using your car less, or try doing more yard work or vigorous spring cleaning.

#4     Get a Good Night Sleep

The people at Fitday sums it up this way:

“Sleep is a crucial factor in losing weight. Sleep suppresses your appetite and raises your metabolism, while allowing your body to rest and recover. Sleep affects the levels of several hormones in your body. Two hormones that play an important role in stimulating and suppressing your appetite are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is produced by your body’s fat cells and is responsible for suppressing hunger. Ghrelin is released by your stomach, and stimulates your appetite. Lack of sleep lowers the levels of leptin in your blood and heightens the levels of ghrelin, which results in an increase of appetite. The reverse is also true: getting enough sleep decreases hunger and will therefore help you lose weight.So aside from leading an active lifestyle and maintaining a balanced diet, you should also make sure that you get enough sleep to carry you through your day”. 


As you continue on your journey to reach your ideal weight, keep in mind that changing your body into a lean, mean fit machine is the destination. Find as much enjoyment in the journey, despite its setbacks.  Revel in the small successes that seem to be overlooked – the stronger and fitter you, your vanishing waistline, making healthier food choices, to name a few.  Learn to appreciate and focus on these changes, while continuing to work your healthy lifestyle changes, and your plateau will become well-earned fodder for your blog.

C25K Workout


20130713_074641Hey Luv-lies,

Today is the second conditioning day in preparation for my Labor Day-ish 5K race.

Day one was this past Saturday, where I met with the team of eight women (who are also training for the same goal… who will , from this point on, be loving referred to as ‘The Sisters’ in crime :-). Our morning began at 7:30am at the fitness center ( I; however, did not get the text and went trapsing over to the track at 7:30.

Missed completing the necessary “I won’t hold the fitness center liable if I’m a complete klutz and hurt something while training…. and any pictures taken of me and used for marketing and advertising purposes will not result in a summons for financial compensation” paperwork that the others filled out back at the fitness center. I didn’t get out of it completely…had to fill it out once they arrived at the track ;-).

We started with some basic techniques in how to use the foot while running; in order to avoid injury. Geesh, I thought that running was just walking, just at a faster pace. You mean there’s a ‘way to put your foot down’? I immediately began to think ‘…I’m in for a long eight weeks….’

The ‘foot thing’ was then followed by the 30 minutes of lunges, abdomin work (several sets of planks, bicycles, and hovers) and multiple variation of squats….
It was at this point that the silence and reserve that was first shown by ‘The Sisters’ transformed into all out moans of agony and resistence. And this is just Week One, Day One!!!!!

I’m certain that they had swimming around in their heads was the same question that I had… “when does the running begin?” and “is it going to be this bad, too”?

Question answered soon enough….

Next up… my First Timed Mile… running! In an attempt to not let the fact that I had not run in over three years get into my head, I convinced myself that it couldn’t be ‘all that bad…. right’? With the conviction and determination of a child taking their first steps, I gulped a mouthful of ice water, activated my RunKeeper App, slapped in my earbuds (maybe the sound of music will ease the pain….gulp) and at the command of the Trainer, took off on my run.

Ten minutes and forty-five seconds later, I was cruising… YES! Cruising past the one mile marker with greater ease (and confidence) than I initially gave myself. After another lap around the track – the ‘cool-down’ lap, I waited at the side lines for the rest of ‘The Sisters’ to cruise through to the finish.

After another round of leg and abdominal work, lasting this time for only fifteen minutes, I was proudly on my way to the nearest coffee shop….

I had done it! I completed Day One of Week One of this C5K training!! Not bad for a fabulously fifty-ish woman living a fit, healthy lifestyle while giving this aging thing a run for its money!!!!!

What have you proudly accomplished over the last few days?
Do tell….
C25K Workout, Fitness, Goals

I’m Gearing up for a Labor Day Race!….But I’m Not a Runner…


Good Morning Luv-lies,

Hope that your past week has been successful.

Here’s what I’ve missed sharing with you….

*** My weigh-in numbers have finally started moving, again in a downward direction, (this is good  ) after four months of hovering…. Yey!!!

*** I’ve completed my 12 Week ActiveLink Challenge! During the Challenge, I earned 682 PPV & 81% average per Day!…..Yey Me!!!! –

*** I’ve started another 12 Week ActivLink Challenge –

*** I’ve registered for my first official 5K Race… to take place in September!!

*** I’ve started conditioning for the 5K Race this past Saturday. So this is officially my 1st Week of C5K ( Couch to 5K Race)…many posts to come about that…

So, Luv-lies… that’s been what’s happening in my neck of the blogosphere

What’s been going on with you?
Do tell……

Fitness, Keep Callm

Easy Like Sunday Morning & A Late 4th of July Post…..

Good Morning Luv-lies,

Just checking in to see how everyone’s 4th of July holiday panned out. I started the morning, early – my body forgot that it did not have to go into work that morning *bummer* 😛 with my usual cup of jo, 2 boiled egg whites and a bowl of mixed berries ~5PPV…YEY!!!!!.

As the early morning hours slowly inched toward mid-morning, I indulged in watching a steady stream of pre-recordings of my favorite Sunday morning show, CBS Sunday Morning, previously hosted by the late, Charles Kuralt – whose baritone voice is the real reason that I tuned in. Kuralt’s soothing voice has since been replaced by that of Charles Osgood – voice equally as appealing ;-).

Sunday Morning Logo

The leisure of the morning was interrupted by a much anticpated-early afternoon- two hour-jammed pack-music infused Zumba class. I soooo look forward to this class with this instructor! She is FanTabuLous!!! 
Her classes are flooded with great music and loads of energy…. can you say “Cardio on steroids”!?


Needless to say, the Zumba class set me up juuuuust nicely for the pending holiday foodfest 🙂
Initially, I had planned to stop past one of my favorite eateries and have my holiday feast there. However, my spontaneous alter-ego took over and I decided to spend that time at home with a ‘home grilled meal’. Thank goodness for the weekly meeting where we went over ‘how not to pig out during the holiday’! Since this was an unplanned meal (had I gone to my favorite restaurant, I would have known what I was going to eat :-P) I had to figure out what was going to make for a flavorful and filling meal that did not make me spend my remaining PPVs and that was fit for grilling. This task called for a trip to my new found digital shelves that house my virtual library. Once there, it did not take me long to find just the meal….
Shrimp and Kielbasa Kabobs… {yumminess on a skewer & Only 7PPV ~ YeY!}.

… my delicious and savory eat is pictured below…. What do you think?… Yum-cious – right?



After the meal, I spent the remainder of the afternoon ‘chillaxin’… gearing up for an evening of fireworks that the city government’s office promised to be stupendously spectacular !


Two hours later, tired but in a satisfied and fulfilled kind of way, I returned home to quietly reflect on the wonderful, unplanned hours of the day.


That,  was my fantastic fourth!

How was your holiday?

do tell

My Weight Loss, The Weight-ing Game, Weight Watchers ... The Way I See It

Everything from here is ….. downhill

I've reached a 25 pound weight loss !!!  YEY ME!!!

I’ve reached a 25 pound weight loss !!! YEY ME!!!


Hello Luv-lies, 

Happy Sunday…

Great News from the ‘Green Seats’ !!!!

Major celebration today…..


((((YEY ME)))) !!!! 

Five months into this re-commitment to a healthy, physically fit lifestyle, I am elated with the news that I am twenty-five pounds (that’s 50%) closer to my goal weight.

The Meeting Leader asked me to share what I attributed to my success. Now, I’m not one that is talkative during our half hour meetings- instead, I prefer to quietly benefit from the group offering; however, with what seemed to be all eyes on me, offered this small tidbit of my success….

…. to what do I owe this success….
Ownership & Commitment *period*

I’ve finally owned the fact that I am solely responsible for living a healthy, fit lifestyle. And that no matter how many fitness magazines, dvd’s, fitness programs, that I watched…. No matter how much I wished for a toned, curvy, cellulite-free body…. Until I committed to the change that I sooooo longed for, I would forever remain in my fitness ‘dream’ world!

….. and VOILE’…. 25 pounds down!

So Luv-lies, ……to what do you owe your successes?

Do tell……

