#NaBloPoMo, Girl on Fire!, I am Woman....Roar!, Menopause, NaBloPoMO, Randomness, W.T.W.!!!!? {What the What!!!?}

Menopause is A Real Bee-Yotch!

Good Evening Luvlies,

In a lot of ways, I am truly happy that I have been blessed to live in this day and time.  Now don’t get me wrong, there are times that I get super peeved about some of the shenanigans that I read about and/or encounter.

But today was not one of them.

Why? You ask.

It was my trip to the gym this evening that has me grateful for living in ’these times’.  No, it wasn’t the updated, state-of-the-art equipment that reigns second, only  to the rock hard bodies of the eye-candy that strolls proud as a peacock, displaying hours of their hard work for all to ohhh & ahhh over , but instead the honest, no-holds barred conversations that seem to occur spontaneously, while waiting for the class ahead of mine to end.

The conversations don’t happen on a daily, but every now and then I’ll be patiently waiting beside another woman who just needs to get some ’stuff’ off of her chest…

… today was ‘that’ day…

The conversation started off innocently enough.  You know, the normal pomp and circumstances – “how was your day?”, “couldn’t wait to get to class today”, “I really need this workout tonight”.    You know, all of that kind of stuff….

With all of the niceties out of the way, I made a general comment to this ‘Zumba Sister-friend’ about the temperature in the gym…

and the following conversation ensued….


Zumba Sister-Friend (feverishly fanning herself):  Girrrrrrl!  You think it’s nice in here?…. I’m hot as hell in here!

Me: (raising my brows in surprise, wondering where the conversation was going) Oh Yeah?  It feels pretty good to me…

Zumba Sister-Friend (continuing the frantic fanning) : Can I tell you?, since the start of this menopause thing, I get hot as hell!!!  All I want to do is ‘cold down’.….. I want anything ice cold!…. a tall glass of water with a ton of ice cubes spilling over the rim, a fan with a gazillion over-sized blades, an Alaskan glacier, all of the snow on the North Pole!… anything to ‘cold me down’


Me: (pleasantly surprised at her candor and secretly appreciative of someone who understands my daily visits to ‘hell’): Don’t I know it!  And it just comes on all of a sudden! No ‘just between us girls’ kinda warning! No ‘you need to get your arse ready, because I’m on my way’ heads up!  NOTHING! Just…. BAM!  One minute you’re good and the next minute – all bullshinanigans break out!!!  All you want to do is climb out of your clothes!


Zumba Sister-Friend (pointing in the direction of the free-weight area): My Husband doesn’t know what to make of it.  Most of the time, I’m as sweet as apple pie.  But when that inferno reigns down on me, I’m like a friggin’ hungry grizzly who hasn’t eaten in four weeks…and there’s no food insight for days!  This menopause thing is a real bee-yotch!

Me (nodding my head indicating that I am fully aware of her struggle): Don’t I know!  And the thing is, I’ve always heard the b!tching about the flashes – that feeling of standing with your feet nailed to the floor, while opening the oven door on Thanksgiving Day!  Has anyone told you about the exxxx-treme cold that follows!!  I’m talking about the bone-chilling, ‘where’d that heat from that damned flash that I had a minute ago!”  – COLD.


… To the delight of me and my Zumba Sister-Friend, the conversation continued like this for, at least, another ten minutes.  Both of us quietly grateful to know that we really aren’t crazy… just going through some basic shiggity and tom-foolery that has come to define this developmental stage of our lives….

And when it finally came that time to ‘get our Zumba on’, we strutted into the class like twenty-somethings without a care in the world…..

And, as I said earlier, It’s not every day that

#NaBloPoMo, Farmer's Market, Friendships, NaBloPoMO, Randomness, WeekEnd Luv

No Problem

one of the few things that I look forward to on the weekend is my Sunday visit to the local farmer’s market.
this market is not your run-of-the-mill super-mega-gigunda market.
it’s your good old-fashioned country market where you’re greeted at the door by a local farmer and the aroma of seasonal fruit.

 a country market where there is a free cup of warm apple cider to cut the chill of a  blustery winter.


  a fresh-squeezed cup of lemonade, sold by the neighborhood children, to quench your thirst in the heat of the summer.


a country market where homemade bread is baked daily and the only thing more tempting than spending an hour catching up on the latest neighborhood happenings is the smell of freshly roasted coffee grounds.

and, although a seemingly small thing, the entire staff is well over twenty-five years of age.

that seemingly insignificant detail makes it more pleasant because you do not have to endure the lackadaisical disposition of today’s youth –
who have somehow managed to escape learning the fundamental lessons of social grace and respectful people skills.

Happy Sunday, Luv-lies

How did you spend your Sunday?

Do tell …..

#NaBloPoMo, Friendships, Girl on Fire!, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration, NaBloPoMO, Video

Can You Believe She’s having a DOUBLE Mastectomy !!!!! 🎶 💖💖

Hello Luv-lies

This Girl is on Fire!!!!

On Tuesday, Deborah Cohan, an OB-GYN and a mother of two, went into surgery to have her breasts removed. But before the surgery, she and her medical team threw a pre-op dance party in the operating room at the University of California-San Francisco Medical Center at Mount Zion.

The six-minute video, features Cohan and her surgical team getting jiggy with it to Super Diva – Beyoncé’s hit single “Get Me Bodied.”  The flash mob OR dance was the brainchild of Cohan. and first appeared on CaringBridge, a site that connects friends and family together during a health event. On the site, Cohan created a page called Deborah’s Healing Journey, where she detailed her flash mob plans.

On her CaringBridge page, Cohan wrote – “My fantasy is for you to play the song … and dance wherever you happen to be.” She requested friends and family to send photos and videos of themselves dancing to the song.

“I have visions of a healing video montage. Nothing brings me greater joy than catalyzing others to dance, move, be in their bodies. Are you with me people?”

What an AWESOME Woman!!

So Luv-lies,

What awesomeness have you witnessed today?

Do Tell ….

#NaBloPoMo, Goals, Inspiration, NaBloPoMO, Randomness

Got 100 Seconds?

Hello Luv-lies,

Just a gentle reminder that if you haven’t gone to check out this whole Movember thing, you still have plenty of time to see what all the hype is about.

You don’t have to be a ‘Mo Bro to participate.  All of us  ‘Mo Sista’s can get it involved, too   *not by growing a moustache*.

Round up your ‘Mo Sista Friends and let’s do our part for this very worthy cause and make a generous donation!


for your viewing pleasure,

if you have 100 seconds, I have 40 moustaches

I gave. Did you?

Do tell ….

#AsphaltLuv, #NaBloPoMo, Fitness, Fitness Gadgets, Goals, I am Woman....Roar!, Inspiration, NaBloPoMO, Pamper Party, running outside

iNspIRation: WorkOut *Bling*

Good Morning Lu-lies,

The temperature here has been dropping daily *yikes*.

Being a  ‘hot weather person’, I thought that having to bring my running game inside would cause me to lose interest, but, so far it has not happened !!!!

I am certain that my perception of fall/winter running is probably not as bad as I think  the monsters in my mind have me tripping over pebbles, running too far and not having enough energy to run back, running out of water, having to stop to use the restroom – and not having one readily available…. 

But until I conquer the crazies, I’m inside.

In my efforts to be proactive about this whole staying focused thing, I’ve decided to go trolling for some new fitness gear.  Hey You, no judgment 🙂 … a girl’s gotta have a reason to shop, right?

This is what I found    *some of it is sparkly*

This little gem is probably not practical, but I do luv the *bling*, *bling*.  This is some kinda of special if you luv to sparkle while you sweat.  Not to mention being a sucker for glitz!

sparkle nike

Found this really cool hand stamped necklace.  This piece is great as a gift for a personal trainer or as an inspiration for the newbie – like me!

fitness jewelry

Running the 5K inspired me to work toward running a half marathon next year…. YES!!

The plan is to run, at least one, half marathon.  *throwing confetti in the air for inspiration* .  Perhaps this little baby will keep me inspired and less focused on the craziness of this new found goal. 

half marathon crazy

I figure that with all of this training, I’m going to need something to rock all of those medals.  What do you think?

medal display

I reeeallly ❤ the crown on this one… a lot

medal display1

Well Luv-lies,  this shopping spree could go on forever, so I think I’ll stop with these rocking pieces.

So, what inspires you?

Do Tell…

#NaBloPoMo, Fitness Gadgets, Randomness, Video

What’s In Your Food?

Good Morning Luv-lies,

I love gadgets!!   Show me an electronic gadget, I’ll show you a gal that’s in e-heaven!!!

Kitchen gadgets, office gadgets, clothing gadgets…. it just doesn’t matter.  If it’s a gadget, I’m sold.

New on my gadget list of  ‘I Want That’ is this baby pictured below.



It’s handle is the ‘Tellspec’ and its claim to fame is that with a wave of the hand, it can calculate all the calories,  ingredients, chemicals, and allergens in all types of food.

WOW” !!!  Imagine that!

The concept is the brainchild of a the young daughter of an entrepreneur and math professor, who was plagued by food allergies.   The story  is that one evening, while having dinner, the youngster picked up a flash drive and proposed a device that, when pointed at food would be able to calculate it’s content.  *From the minds of Babes*


Here’s the video, to fill you in on the details.  I must warn you, though, there is a short segment that gets very scientific.

Well Luv-lies, if you’re anything like me, right now you are the edge of your seat waiting, breathlessly, for me to tell you where you can be one of the first to get your hands on one of these luv-vah-lies!  Here’s where I break it to you gently….

…. this product, is not yet for sale.  Actually, the two inventors are in the process of working out the kinks, raising funds, and talking with optical companies who might be interested in manufacturing this little gem.

Until then, I’ll stand in line with you guys and hope that it will be available soon –  in pink 🙂

What gadget can you not live without  – real and/or imagined?  *wink*

Do tell…..
