Liquid Luv, My Facebook, Randomness

Happy National Coffee Day!!!

It’s here Again!!

National Coffee Day!!!

coffee fairy

So what is all this coffee hoopla about?  Every year, on September 29th, National Coffee Day celebrates the coffee bean and the promotion of fair trade of coffee.   All in an effort to raise awareness about coffee growers.

For me, one of the fun things about this caffeine fueled day is that at my local coffee shop, I can get all of the Free Coffee that I can carry!

I posted on my FB PAGE where you can score on getting your free ‘cup of jo

*a click on the picture will take you right to the link to the article 😉

fb coffee 2015

I have my cup of jo’ in hand.   I’ll wait for you to grab yours.

Hurry back.  I have some Fun ‘Coffee’ Facts to share with you


The most expensive coffee (in the world), Kopi Luwak, is excreted by a Sumatran species of wild cats.  How expensive is this cup o’ jo?

$600 a pound of coffee.   YEP!


Coffee is a fruit. Coffee beans are actually the pits of berries that grow on bushes .



Second only to oil, Coffee is most sold commodity around the world.


How do you like your coffee bean- Arabica or Robusta?  These are the only two kinds of coffee beans.  Thank goodness for the bottomless variety of coffee-based drinks.  The difference in the bean?  Robusta is more bitter and packs twice as much caffeine.

coffee bean


65% of the worlds coffee is consumed by three countries: Americans, Frenchmen and Germans


So there you have it!

Nothing like a cup of liquid luv and some fun facts!

Thanks for the company.

…. I’m on my way for a second cup

I Need My Jo

What’s on your list of things to do today?

Do Tell….


This Is Not Health…But I Look Good!

Listen up, Ladies. This is an interestingly different perspective about what ‘healthy’ and ‘fit’ looks like to the industry.


I decided to enter a bikini competition. With all these “fitspo” images and fitness motivation depicting bikini competitor bodies (that we all musthave) I decided to challenge myself to see what indeed it does take to have that body. I’m learning that this body is very much not about health and more about aesthetics.

In my previous post I had written about the  demise of health in the fitness industry but today I must stand corrected. You see the fitness industry, at least in the case of women, wasn’t built around principles of health and wellness. It was built around aesthetics. When Fitness Centers first opened to women in the 1960s and 1970s their focus was purely on weight loss and spot reduction. They often did not have proper exercise equipment but rather pseudoscience based technology such as vibrating belts to jiggle the fat away. They had no resistance…

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