#AtoZChallenge 2016, A-Z Challenge, Challenges, Feeding the Kids, Food, Hello.IAmPhat, Nutrition

{N}osh…The Little Ones Eat: #AtoZChallenge 2016

Feeding the Little Ones today is much more exciting than yesteryear!   Today we allow the Little Ones to get in there,  roll up their sleeves and unleash their creative juices.  One thing for sure,  if you want to keep the ‘picki-ness’ and the prickly food attitudes at bay,  get those young chefs engaged and involved!

You know, they’ll never turn their

faces up at their creations.



Instead,  they’ll be nosh-ing everything in sight!



 In all fairness to the years gone by, there wasn’t the amazing social media outlets that virtually puts cooking with children on autopilot.  Perhaps if there were,  we would have the likes of these nutritious delights:







Do you have a Little  One who loves to create yummy meals to nosh?

Do tell……

Next. The Letter {O}


Blog Luv!, GIF, What I'm Luvin' Now

What I’m Luvin’ Now … Take A Seat Children

Hey Luv-lies,

It’s ‘HUMP DAY’ !!!

hump day

I’ve been surfing the ‘net looking for a few ideas for an family room project that I’m working on,

when I took an unplanned turn and landed on a few sites that featured some pretty enviable  furniture.

*I love it when my surfing takes me to a place that I had no intentions of visiting. 

I love it even more when that place keeps me smiling … for hours*


I must have a hidden obsession for chairs because they seem to be on my list of

‘What I’m Luvin’ Now’ quite often.

This time my chair obsession is all about a whimsical place for children to nestle.  Check it out …

furniture, kids furniture, kids furniture chairs{via}

With three brothers, my Grand Daughter is no stranger to rough and tumble play.

But I know that her dainty side would love this plush Princess chair.

kids chair3{via}

This seat is fit for a king!!

kids chair4


Who doesn’t love Dr Seuss?  I’ll take one each for My Grand Sons.

kids chair5{via}

Can you believe that these chairs are made from inner tubes!

Definitely on my D.I.Y. List!!!!


For the artist in your Little One

kids chair 6{via}


Billed as ‘Coolest Chair’.  I’ll agree with that.

What Do You Think?

Do Tell …

WeekEnd Luv


Put Your Feet Up.... It's Saturday !!!!

Put Your Feet Up…. It’s Saturday !!!!

Good Morning Luv-lies,

Happy Saturday…. hope that your week has been a productive and rewarding one.

I tell you, for me, this week has flewn by – like a flock of birds heading south for the winter!   It’s been a week of mostly goods and ……. not so goods  okay, so when it wasn’t good, it was reeeealllly bad!

Well, let’s get to it…..

The Week’s ‘Good’ Stuff…  {starting with the most important first :-)} :

My Little Ones.... Luv Them Babies

My Little Ones…. Luv Them Babies

Spent almost two hours video chatting with my three Grands…. affectionately referred to as ‘My Little Ones’.  I LUV them babies!!!

My six year old granddaughter (that’s her with the awesome make-up on the left) read me a story from one of her favorite books.  That was amazing!  While she was reading, I had a ‘light bulb moment’.  She was really reading! Not from rote, but, really reading with passion and emphasis.  WOW!!  She is growing up so fast….

Her oldest brother, my four year old grandson (he’s the one with the amazingly infectious smile on the far right side of the picture), also growing far too fast, sang me his rendition of  the ‘ABC’s’.  It took some coaxing – I had to sing it first… incorrectly.  He was in and out of a few small tantrums during the chat.  My silly rendition of the ‘ABC’s’ helped him out of it…  Besides, I he’s so proud of himself when he done.  And, of course, I am major scale proud of him!  I have a feeling that reading is on the very near horizon…. Yey!!!!!!

Then there is my youngest of the bunch (he’s the cutey in the middle).  He’s two years old but I swear that he’s been here before.  If he were just a little taller, one would think that he is the oldest.  He takes over! And, I have a sneaky suspicion that because he’s the youngest, his brother & sister let him take over –  but not for too much longer!  He likes to be the ‘holder of the phone’.  Because he talks in ‘two year old speak’ most of the sounds that I hear while he’s holding the phone is heavy breathing.  He’s soooo damned cute!

During most of this, my daughter was preparing dinner.  So I got to be the ‘virtual’ babysitter (hey! how did that happen? :-0).  But most importantly, I had a chance to visit with my family, who I miss soooo much!

More Goods!!!

My Weight Watchers Dashboard

 Seven months of Weight Watchers and commitment to moving my arse has rewarded me in several ways.

I’m down 0.4lbs {that’s 15lbs closer to goal}

Several garments that have been hanging in my closet – still with price tags and size tags (of a smaller size than I was seven months ago) – now fit –  with plenty of extra room – Whoa Hoo!!!

And most, inspirational and humbling….  at work, a few of the Ladies have been very complimentary (and forthcoming) with compliments on the amount of weight that I have lost and how ‘good you look, girl’.  Their compliments have been, among other things, encouraging and flattering.  They have been so inspired, that, we have decided to form a support group where we focus on healthy weight loss and healthy lifestyle.  They have appointed me as the mediator of the group.  Again, I am truly humbled and flattered.  There will be loads of posts about this group…. can’t wait to get started!

More Good Stuff !!!

I ran 36 miles this week!!!

I ran 36 miles this week!!!

This week, I’ve run a total of 36 miles!!! YEY ME !!!!!!!!!


Ohhhhh   Soooooo   Baddddd   Stufffffff !!!!

Im' Out of Control!!!

Im’ Out of Control!!!

I over ate !!!!!!  Yes! that was reallllly bad…. but not until Thursday.  And only on  Thursday !  I usually don’t touch my 49 Weekly Points that the WW program allows, but, not only did I eat my allotted points, I ate ALL of the 49 Weekly Points – In One Night!!! …..  whhhhhaaaaat!?  …… riiiiiiiight!

I did recover on Friday.

And the plan today is to STAY ON PROGRAM!!!

……… That’s my week, Luv-lies,

How was your week?
